Fale Conosco

Abepar – Associação Brasileira de Escolas Particulares Alameda Santos, nº 200, Térreo – Cerqueira César, São Paulo/SP – CEP 01418-000


A assessoria de imprensa da Abepar está à disposição dos jornalistas. Caso precise entrar em contato, por gentileza, envie uma mensagem utilizando o formulário abaixo. A equipe irá retornar o mais rapidamente possível Abepar – Associação Brasileira de Escolas Particulares Alameda Santos, nº 200, Térreo – Cerqueira César, São Paulo/SP – CEP 01418-000

Image Gallery

The Image Gallery is built with the Simple Image Gallery plugin by JoomlaWorks.gr. {gallery}gallerydemo{/gallery}


We have integrated EnFonto as well. We did so in order to allow you to use the Envato-Specific Badges and Logos quickly, easily and without adding additional size and loading time to your website. We are actually going to use DestinyFX as our Homepage on www.joomfx.com so this is the other reason why we implemented

UIkit Integration

We have partially implemented UIkit so you can benefit of some very nice features. We have actually implemented only the UIkit JS and the UIkit Animation. Here are the reasons why we’ve done so: Bootstrap is already fully integrated in DestinyFX. As you know Bootstrap and UIkit are quite similar so there is no need

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